A year of a Tree

Do you remember one of my monthly squares back in 2017 picturing the persimmon fruits hanging off a leaf-free tree? I wrote about this tree back in 2017, right after my arrival to Italy.

Each day arriving to work, two such trees greet me before I enter my office building. Last year I decided to make my own short persimmon photo diary, so I took photos of the tree each month during the full year of 2019.

I love to see how the tree with its leaves, buds and fruit keep changing throughout the year.

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These days we have had great spring-like weather in Florence, so let me give you the tree’s story from winter till spring last year.


The first two months of the year, it is just bare - all fruit has been harvested or fallen off and it is waiting for warmer weather.

In March, it sustained grim dark weather, but finally the buds start appearing beginning of April.

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And suddenly by the end of April, the leaves have come out.

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