3 Years of Knit Inspiration!

This week, I have entertained you three full years on this blog, ever since August 2014. Amazingly, I managed to write a little something to you each Sunday - I hope you enjoyed the ride!

I have taken you on a long walk up Broadway in Manhattan and we have been on trips in Belgium, Denmark, France and Italy, to London, Berlin & Paris and many other places. 


I have been reflecting on inspiration and I have shown you lots of works knit up in the past years. Hope you also got inspiration from my work and did some exciting knit or other works yourself. 

Town Hall building NYC (2).JPG

Now, in my second year into knitting squares for my "blog blanket", I hope that it will be finished by the time we will celebrate the 4th year of this blog. 

And my mosaic painting has been going on ever since I started writing here - hope to see that finalised also some time next year. 

And my mosaic "painting" has been going on ever since I started writing here - hope to see that finalised also some time next year. 

Finally, for next year I am envisaging an interesting new project, which outcome I will never be able to predict. An idea given by one of my fellow Brussels-knitters. More about this later on. 

I do hope you keep following me also in the next years to come. Enjoy the ride!