Knitting Music

Let's guess that about 90% of the music written these days is about love for each other - at least most music have something about being together - and isn't this the most important thing about being a human being, to have someone to love and be loved back?

But amazingly as it may sound, I have actually come across a few music compositions and lyrics which are about knitting!

I found the first one, when checking out the events of last year's Knitting Festival on Fanø in Denmark. It's about knitting instead of shooting - what a wonderful world it would be if this could come through! Part of the lyrics goes like this: "If the pressure is too big and the light goes dark, then I knit a little, a knit and a purl - it takes off the worst urge to killing. I get calm with needle number two..." (it rimes in Danish - not in English!).

Another very knitting related song out recently is by Stephen West, the American colourful knit designer now living in Amsterdam, what you surely can see from this video. Be prepared for lots of yarn and colour bombing!

But knitting songs are nothing new, just listen to this oldie by Bill Oddie from 1965! The blog "Just call me Ruby" has got a wonderful photo of Bill's sweater!

And there a few more on YouTube that you might like to check out!

Happy knitting & rock'n rolling!